Mother Tynnetta Muhammad:
In 1972, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated in The Theology of Time Lecture series that the history of Jesus, and his mother including Joseph represented a special study for the members of the Nation of Islam in America and for our people in general that when properly understood, laid the basis for our understanding of self and our function in this life and in the Hereafter, which is only an outgrowth of the world we are in. He added upon another occasion that the more advanced we are in the present world order, the more advanced we would be in the Hereafter. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was the first born of that New World who has literally swallowed up death in victory to emerge as the god-like Scientist that has survived to reveal it at the proper time.
One of the very little unknown subjects that he taught us concerning Jesus, Mary and Joseph is that each had the ability to read thoughts and to tune into that frequency without the use of mechanical devises and that one day we would be able to do the same once we removed the rust (clutter) that has corroded our brain cells preventing us from being able to send our thoughts out and receiving a response telepathically. In fact, he taught us that one in every 100 persons in the East can tune in on the thoughts of each other.
During that particular lecture, he informed his audience that the process of tuning in required concentration and most of all being in a state of righteousness. He also stated that many of us would be able to tune in within about 20 or 30 years from that time in 1972. Exactly 19- years-ago, a major development took place which triggered another vital stage in the process of tuning in. In 1991, the time of the great solar eclipse of the millennium, came the introduction of the New Calendar Time through the study of the Mayan Calendar and the New discovery of the Law of Time by Jose and Lloydine Arguelles.
Jose Arguelles ( Valum Votan)
I want to give honor to someone who preceded me.
In 1973 and 1974, a mysterious man by the name of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave a series of 22 lectures entitled, “The Theology of Time.” He did not know of the Law of Time, but he made very clear that within 20 years there would be some understanding. And the Law of Time became clear almost exactly 20 years after the 22 lectures on the Theology of Time.